I have 30 orders for jewellery,most wanting earring and bracelets sets and I sold quite a bit at the little market I attended.I am still getting through my jewellery orders,which accounts for the lack of blogging.I am also making rocky road and chocolate chip cookies for my girls teachers and my friends at the gym(hmmmm not sure that is a good idea.......lol.......).
I was also asked by squigglefly to join their DT for six months,WOW was I happy about that but unfortuneately I had to turn it down,I just don't have the time at the moment.Some of you may know,I also had to leave Bizzy Becs DT,I could not keep up with all that I was doing,I was upset as I have been with Bec from the very beginning...............but Bec and I are still good friends and that is all that matters.
This weekend I have a chrissy party on Friday night,Saturday I may be babysitting my friends little girl and on Sunday is another chrissy party.Well I think that is it for now,I really need to get back to the jewellery,I will hopefully be able to do some blogging in about a week and I might even be able to get my blog candy posted.Thanks for hanging around and I hope to catch up with you all soon.

lovely to hear from you again Cheryl ;-) Sad to hear you have left Creatalicious, but I am sure other things are on the horizon for you ;-)
Cheryl- yes- missed you here! Wish you a nice christmastime!
I have a lo9t to do too- have 4 days my grandson here!
Hugs and best wishes
Hi Cheryl, so glad to hear your jewellery stall at the markets went so well. Well was no doubt really as your jewellery is beautiful. I so can relate to the busy time. We have just returned from a holiday and I thought things would be slower on return with no more school. But no. lol Wishing you and your family a wonderful christmas and lots more fun parties to attend.
Wow Cheryl , when you said you were busy , you really meant flat out at full speed , gee I really don't know how you are keeping up. I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family , and hopefully be able to slow down a little and enjoy. Take Care.
Hugs Cheryl
It is hard to be a Super Mom.. But I guess you do it Perfect..
I hope you remember to take time to rest also... Remember.. it is important that you are not so tired during Christmas too...
Wish you a Fantastic Christmas!..
All the Best Wishes for you and your Family!!
I'm hearing you Cheryl. I'm in exactly the same boat. Have made umpteen Christmas cards, taken the photos but haven't had time to blog them. Morning Teas, Lunches, Christmas parties...lots to go to but I love them all. Time is getting away from me though...have to do my baking in the next few days. Merry Christmas.
Hey Cheryl! Glad to see you again, and glad to hear you are keeping busy! Have fun and take it easy where you can! Can't wait to see what you create in the new year! xoxo
So happy that ur head is still above water Cheryl. Have missed ur creativity. Know we are here whenever you feel the need to blog. Take care of you and I sincerely hope that the Joshua Empire continues to grow and expand!! ooxx
Dunno if my last comment went thru, but happy you are still around Cheryl. Take care of you and know we'll be here when you blog again. MWAH. ooxx
Sounds fantastic to have so many orders Cheryl! I'm not surprised as you make the most beautiful jewellery.
Take care Cheryl!
Warm hugs
Come dress yourself in love, let the journey begin Revathi
Hi dear,just to wish you merry christmas,I send you a big hug,I wish you the best to you and all your family...Laura.
Hi Cheryl, I am with you where does the time go, especially this year. Just popped by to wish you and your family a magical Christmas Day and a fun, healthy 2012, take careX:)
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