Computer Troubles
Hi all,sorry I have been missing for a few days,my computer died.We knew there was going to be a problem soon as it was making funny noises,anyway my husband tried to delete one of the problems and the whole thing just least we didn't loose much.He then had to put in a new hard drive,I lost some information and my favourites but lucky that was it as I have an external hard drive with all my photos and programs.So anyway I will be trying to catch up on all your blogs over the next few days and am looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to.I will back later with the next Christmas card I made for my friend that wants 50.Thanks for stopping by and for all the lovely comments that were left while I have been MIA.Have a great day.

Hi cheryl- hope now all works well again!
Good luck!
Hugs Elma
I'm glad you be back on the www, hihi!
Oh you poor thing. I'ts a horrible feeling when your computer decides to have a hissy fit. xo Jackie
Rotten computers - they make us NEED them and then they play up.
At least you would have had extra creating time - LOL
sorry to hear you have lost some of your faves but i guess it could have been worse at least it is only the comp that was poorly. Take care. Sue xx
Hi Cheryl, sorry to hear your having some computer issues! Hope all gets better soon....
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