My Awards
Good evening all,I have been busy the last few days and haven't had time to craft.Though as much as I love crafting I have enjoyed the break.It was our 15 year Anniversary on Thursday and I had lunch with a dear was at work and we just had a quiet night at home and watched movies.Friday night I went to dinner and movies with some friends and we saw Valentines day,we had a fantastic night and today I was at a clothes party with some wonderful friends I met at the gym.I don't often get out of the house,so it was a nice change. I spent my money on going out and clothes........and not the usual craft am in desperate need of new clothes.I don't like to share personal things on my blog but I have been on a diet and have lost 13kg and 34cm,which is also the reason I have been going to the gym alot.It took me months to decide to diet,which is why I am telling you all,if you have been thinking about it,don't leave it as long as I did.......DO IT NOW.I feel so healthy and good about myself,I wish I had done it earlier,so take it from me,it will be the best thing you ever did.Now enough waffling from me,I am very lucky to be receiving all of these awards from 3 inspiring and wonderful blogging friends.Thankyou Hanne,Kylie and Cathy.I really enjoy visiting all of their blogs and must say they are very talented ladies,so if you get a chance please stop over and visit them.I would like to pass these awards onto all of my fabulous followers,I am finding it very difficult to choose just a few of I think you should all have the awards.
My friend has decided on a Wedding invitation,so when I get one made up.........hopefully tonight,I will post it.I do have 45 invitations to complete as well as place cards,wishing well cards and printing the I have my work cut out for me.I will be busy with these invitations and my nephew's scrapbooking album,but hope to post items here as much as I can.I hope you are enjoying your weekend and thankyou for stopping by.

Firstly Cheryl.....a HUGE congrats on such a marvellous achievement. You shd be v v proud of yourself and the amount of energy and vitality you will feel will be reflected thru every aspect of your life. Congrats on the 15th anniversary glad you got to go and have some fun. You deserve good things. ooxx
Hi Cheryl,
Well done - you deserve all the awards you get because your blog is so inspiring.
Fiona x
Good for you getting out and about and enjoying 'life'. Big congrats on your weight loss achievement. That takes a lot of dedication. You nearly inspired me until I realised EASTER is nearly here! lol.
Happy 15th anniversary and congrats on all your most deserved awards.
Wow, look at you go. No cards this week but look at all you've achieved!! Well done.
Kylie ox
Wow, you have had a busy and wonderful time Cheryl. Congrats to you and your hubby on your anniversary. Well done on your weight loss and fitness. I have to get my act together and do a bit more fitness.
congrats with your awards and your 15th anniversary!! I have to make my own wedding invitation too! ;-)
Congrats Cheryl, on the awards diet and everything, well done!
Best of Luck with the invitations and everything else that goes along with a wedding! Lots of work, but I know you will make them gorgeous!
Will you be scrapping the wedding pics too? ;)
Congrats on the awards always well deserved. Anc congrats on the gym/weight loss not my thing but I have a lot of admiration for those who can & stick to it (I don't think about it too much as too ill to do any thing to keep me fit lol)
good luck with the wedding invites etc how will you cope? nice that you have had some fun and been out crafting can sometimes be a lonely hobby (I wish more people locally were interested)
Love to you hun Dawn xx
Hi Cheryl,
You go girl! 13kgs, thats amazing. Well done, you deserve a treat. I hope you found some lovely clothes to show off your fantastic new figure. It's so nice you made new friends doing it too. You should post a before & after picture! You are an inspiration to us all, not only in crafting but life as well. I'm in training for Sport Relief here in March & a 10K in May. I could really do with losing a similar amount. With you as my inspiration lets see if I can!
Big Hugs,
Andie xx
Congratulation with all your celubrations:) I have also an award for you in my blog; "Best blog". Go and get it:) Hugs.
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